
PowerCube – The Independent Energy Source

PowerCube is the solution for power supply when there is no or only limited access to the public grid.
Whether as an independent power supply or for grid stabilization: For those who want to generate electricity in an alternative and ecological way.


No Connection to the Public Grid?

Whether a homestead far away from the next village, the handicraft business in a remote area, or the weather station in the high mountains - they all have one thing in common: Access to the public power grid is simply too expensive, and often not technically feasible.

The alternative power generation with PowerCube is the solution: set up - switch on


The Power Grid fails again and again?

Storms that bring trees upside down can often lead to days of power outages. Also icing or other weather extremes often cause severe damage to the public power lines. The human and economic consequences for a community unexpectedly cut off from the power grid can be enormous.
This starts with the failed cold store or freezer, no longer working medical device


TSelf Catering – The Desire for Independence

The feeling of being protected from power failure provides security. And you are your own master of the energy you need. No dependence anymore.
PowerCube generates electricity in an alternative and ecological way. So satisfaction adds to the certainty of having done something for nature.


Flexible, Mobile und Transportable

Since the entire technology - with the exception of photovoltaics - is housed in a standard 20-foot freight container, PowerCube can also be used on a mobile basis. Flexible can certainly be seen on a global scale, since the same grid voltage is not present in every country. Some examples: PowerCube is equipped for these conditions because it provides the following output voltages: 240 - 400 v


And how does it work?

Basically PowerCube consists of the following components: A standard 20ft freight container containing the technology Control units that control the flow of current and power distribution A large rechargeable maintenance-free battery storage Motor-driven generator (up to 4 pieces depending on the version) Tank for the engine (the engines, if several) Photovoltaic s


Optional: Heat Extraction

The optional hot water equipment also uses the waste heat from the engine. For heating purposes, for example, a capacity of at least 400 liters with a temperature of around 85°Celsius is available.


Optional: Biogas as Engine Fuel

With an additional fermenter also biodegradable waste (without packaging material) can be fed. Fermentation produces biogas, which can be mixed with conventional fuels such as diesel, heating oil or vegetable oil.


How much Electricity is generated by the PowerCube?

The peak performance of a single PowerCube starts at 10 KW for the smallest version, and extends up to 60 KW for the largest version: The interpretation of the peak performance must always be considered separately! This particularly concerns the number of large consumers in operation at the same time. This guarantees perfect coordination of the individual components for the most efficient range of


How much Electricity is generated by several PowerCubes?

Several coupled, fully-fledged PowerCubes supply the infrastructure of a whole city reliably and safely with electricity for years to come. Each PowerCube is designed to work with other PowerCubes to provide its own power supply that is not different in any way from the public power supply.
